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How to Handle the Back-to-School Transition

Normalize the Feelings There are a lot of changes occurring along with the back-to-school transition, and it is normal for your child to need some time to adjust. We can support them to process these feelings and learn to handle them with confidence. For your part, assure them that there is nothing wrong with being nervous! It is all part of the process. Together, we can provide the best possible support!

Give them Information The anticipation of the many unknowns can amplify feelings of distress. Provide your child with details, such as who else will be in their class, the name of their teacher, which building and/or classroom they will be in, to help paint a clearer picture of what “back to school” will actually mean for them. Play Therapy is a modality that will allow your child to process the rest of the unknowns in a safe, supportive environment.

Don’t Go it Alone Here at the Bridge Center, we know that your lives are busy and that sometimes you just can’t do it all! We also know how that this time period can be particularly charged for kiddos. We are here to provide support for your child, and help you to navigate the back to school process.

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